CoVidi are uniquely designed optical frames, developed to fit into a full-faced mask
Do you work with a full-face mask and at the same time, are you in need of wearing a prescriprion glasses ? We have designed and developed a unique clip frame, in which, we are able to insert your prescription lenses and send it directly to your address.
A clip is suitable for any kind of lenses. Short sighted or near-sighted corrections as well bifocal and progressive lenses could be inserted. What's more, you won't be limited by prescription!
A clip is removable, clearable and can be also inserted in various types of masks. It won't damage your mask in any way, due to to the sophisticated magnetic attachment.
Don't Hesitate to contact us about more information on any our product!

Professional approach
Prescription for short, long or multiple distances isn't a problem. The production is held in Optika Policar, which has a wealth of experience in the field of Optics.

Versatile and Simple
Attachment is magnetic, therefore, a clip could be cleared, swapped, or removed quickly and comfortably.
The Frame was tested in connection with the limitation of the field of vision with GuZu CM6, CM5 a Shigematsu GX02, CF02.
CoVidi frames are versatile. However, a manufacturer takes no responsibility for using and wearing frames in other than previously afor-mentioned masks.
Don't make your choice between perfect vision and safety.
Have both!
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